Thursday, March 1, 2018

Ancient Mushroom of Immortality

(article in part from
Reishi Mushroom
Reishi mushroom is a prized medicinal food that has been called the “medicine of kings” and the ”elixir of eternal life” due to its astounding and powerful health benefits. Reishi has been shown to significantly boost immune system function and is an excellent cancer preventative food as it contains compounds such as canthaxanthin and beta-1,3-D glucan which can slow down the growth of tumors and help immune cells bind to tumor cells and remove them from the body. 
It also is well known for helping to protect the body from radiation damage and has been shown to ease symptoms of chemotherapy such as hair loss, nausea, fever, infection, and headaches. Reishi is amazing for weight loss and can help cleanse a fatty liver and reduce edema and bloating throughout the body. 
Reishi is also excellent for cardiovascular health and is able to help dilate the coronary artery, improve circulation in cardiac muscle capillaries, increase blood flow to the heart, and even help correct arrhythmia. It can also reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as reduce plaque on the arterial walls which can help to prevent strokes and heart attacks. 
Reishi is a vital supplement for helping to lower cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, and to prevent blood clots. Reishi is very good for calming the nervous system and bringing balance and stability back to the body. It can help with anxiety, panic attacks, and sleep disorders such as insomnia. It is also known to help improve cognitive abilities such as memory, concentration, and focus. 
Reishi contains anti-inflammatory properties making is essential for those who suffer with autoimmune disorders such as colitis, chron’s disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic bronchitis, arthritis, COPD, and epstein-barr virus. Reishi also contains potent anti-viral properties and is highly beneficial for herpes, cold sores, shingles, chicken pox, and colds and flu. 
It also has natural antihistamine properties which makes is valuable for those who suffer with allergies, sinus problems, and chronic muscle aches. In one study, reishi was found to be as powerful as five milligrams of hydrocortisone. Reishi contains polysaccharides called Gandoreans A, B, C that help to keep blood sugar stable and balanced which is very good for diabetes, strokes, ulcers, and hypertension. Reishi extract powder is an excellent way to include this into your diet. It can be added to water, juice, tea, smoothies, protein shakes, soups, or veggie meals.