Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Benefits of My Typical Daily Use of Essential Oils

Typical Daily essential oil use:
There are so many amazing essential oils, here are some suggestions; let’s get started!!
Citrus eXplosion: is a very refreshing way to start the day and it seems to help wake me up. I usually do this 5 -7 times per week.  A brilliant light smell of citrus. Nourishment of the nervous system.  Can bring back a feeling of Joy and Peace.

Aromatherapy Considerations:
Citrus eXplosion: A brilliant smell of citrus; nourishment of the nervous system; and enhances a feeling of Joy, Rejuvenation and Peace.

This is the time of day; especially if at work, things could have gotten a little stressful. Frankincense or Knowing Blend is great. Peppermint: For mild headaches I rub across my forehead and on my temples.

Aromatherapy Considerations:
Frankincense: rich, warm and spicy aroma, that promotes feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction and overall well-being, while supporting healthy immune function and promoting cellular health.more clearly.

Promotes healthy, smooth skin while reducing the appearance of scars and blemishes also a mood enhancer. 

Peppermint: highly regarded and used for thousands of years.  It is popular in countless forms, frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum, for oral health. Helps to alleviate occasional stomach discomfort, headaches and promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing.

Although I love writing this blog, for concentration on my writing after having worked all day. I rub Rose Absolute on the back of my neck, forehead and heart and wait about 5 or 10 minutes before going back to the screen. After doing this I feel much more relaxed and I am able to think more clearly.

Aromatherapy Considerations:
Rose Absolute:  is the highest frequency essential oil. As the frequency of the body rises to meet this amazing oil, wonderful things happen in the body. Rose is an outstanding remedy for those times when we feel trapped by our responsibilities or by the past. Sometimes we need help to let go and move forward into the future easily and with delight.
Supports central vessel meridian, spleen meridian, yin energy and heart chakra.

Lavender: Last but not least, this blend helps with deep relaxation and sleep, I rub the back of my neck, across my arms and forehead and then breathe in the remaining residue from my hands by cupping my hands over my nose and breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. The Calming Lavender seems to help my body relax and helps me to fall asleep quickly.
Aromatherapy Considerations:
In addition to stress-relief, Lavender has the following therapeutic properties: antiseptic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory decongestant, deodorant, diuretic and sedative.

Hopefully you found my typical daily Essential Oil routine helpful! I would love to hear about your routine, leave your comments below!

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