Saturday, October 31, 2015

Some uses of Diatomaceous EARTH

Partial Article Information from
Microscopic diatomaceous earth photo credit: Camelia TWO

Some Uses For Diatomaceous Earth
1. Deodorant
Though our primary detox pathways are through the liver, kidneys, colon and lymph system, our skin and lungs also assist with detoxification. We don’t want to block our body’s ability to sweat with antiperspirants, but we can keep things sweet in the underarm area by neutralizing odor. Diatomaceous earth is great for this. And because it tends not to be quite as alkaline as baking soda – which is commonly used in homemade deodorants – it is often preferred by individuals who have experienced rashes or irritation after application. Here’s my recipe.
2. Toothpaste
Sprinkle a little DE over your tooth soap, toothpaste, or homemade tooth powder for extra deep cleaning power. Because it is abrasive only a little is needed to effectively remove stains, and only every once in awhile.
3. Facial Scrub & Mask
Because it is very fine, diatomaceous earth makes a gentle facial exfoliant and mask. In addition to it’s main component, silica, DE also contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium and phosphorous. Since minerals can be absorbed through the skin, this is a wonderful way to complement a mineral-rich diet.
To use: Mix about 1 tablespoon of  diatomaceous earth with water, milk, aloe vera juice or diluted honey to make a thick paste. Using your fingertips, lightly massage  the paste onto your face using small, circular motions. Allow the paste to set for 1-2 minutes, then gently remove with a warm washcloth using small, circular motions. This last stage is when most of the exfoliation occurs.  Follow with toner (if you use it) and moisturizer.
Special note: Avoid using this scrub near the eyes or on chapped skin.
4. Supports Collagen Production
Yeah, you read that right. Silica, which is a type of silicon, is essential for collagen formation. In one study, animals that were supplemented with a small amount of highly bioavailable silicon had a 12% higher collagen concentration than animals who weren’t. (Source: Jarrow Formula’s application to FDA for their silicon supplement, BioSil)
Silica is found in many foods, such as  leeks, green beans, garbanzo beans, strawberries, cucumber, mango, and asparagus, and of course DE is about 80-90% silica.
5. Nourishes Hair
In this study, supplementing women with a bioavailable form of silicon (choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid) increased the strength and thickness of their hair. Because it is less bioavailable, the silica found in DE has to be consumed in higher quantities than the choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid. However, some people think this is a good thing because it is thought to have cleansing properties.
6. Strengthens Nails
Along with gelatin and biotin, silica is essential for building strong, healthy nails.
7. Supports Healthy Cholesterol Levels
This study suggests that diatomaceous earth may be beneficial for lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels. Who knew?
8. Strengthen Teeths and Bones
Silica is essential for the formation of the hard outer enamel that protects our teeth, and according to this PubMed article it is likewise beneficial for overall bone formation and health.
9. Food Storage
DE is added to grains and legumes such as wheat, maize, beans and barley to prevent spoilage. It keeps food dry, prevents mold, and protects against pests like weevils and beetles.

10. Cockroach, Spider, Tick and Earwig Control

DE is approved for use against all of these home pests. Experts recommend using a hand duster to puff it into cracks and crevices where bugs are likely to hang out.

11. Fridge Deodorizer

Just like baking soda, a small container/box of DE can be left in the fridge or freezer to neutralize odors. Needs to be replaced every 1-2 weeks.

12. Garbage Can Deodorizer

Sprinkle in the bottom of the can to help neutralize odors.
Also, it leads to the funniest questions if you call Home Depot 

What Kind Of Diatomaceous Earth Should I Use?

Only food grade, never stuff you find at the pool supply shop. 

How I Take Diatomaceous Earth Internally

Most people say diatomaceous earth should be taken on an empty stomach. What this means is somewhat vague, but from what I can tell best practices are to take it:
1. First thing in the morning, then wait 30 minutes to eat
2. Three hours after eating
When I take DE, I start with one teaspoon in a tall glass of water (8 oz.) and worked my way up to one tablespoon over the course of a week. Like all of the supplements I take, I schedule breaks from DE so that my body doesn’t get overwhelmed. In the case of DE, I prefer to use it for about a month continuously, then I take 1-2 teaspoons once or twice a week after that.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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