Friday, January 26, 2018

Fennel Seed Skin and Nutrient Benefits

(info gathered in part from

A Few Skin Benefits from Fennel Seeds (Saunf)

Nutritionally Rich

Fennel juice is an extremely nutritional beverage. It contains vitamin A, B, C, E, and beta-carotene. It is a rich source of minerals like magnesium, iron, cobalt, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, silicon, and zinc. It also provides high levels antioxidants, carotenoids, and flavonoids. It contains anethole, a phytonutrient that provides fennel juice its strong aroma. The high levels of antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the body, preventing cell damage.

Improves Concentration

Fennel bulb is a rich source of potassium. Potassium is an active component of cranial nerves. It is also an active compound that maintains the electrolytic balance of the brain. Moreover, potassium is also a memory charger. In short, fennel bulb ensures proper functioning of the human brain by regulating the levels of potassium. It sharpens the memory and improves focus and concentration.

Beauty Benefits Of Fennel Seeds

We all want to have healthy skin and hair but the mere thought of money and time involved in a beauty regime is enough to put us off. But what if I told you that you can stay beautiful with the help of a tiny thing called the fennel seed?
Fennel seeds not only impart a special flavor to those gastronomic delights brewing in your kitchen, but can also be utilized for achieving a flawless skin and healthy hair. Yes, you got that right! Fennel seeds can be beneficial for your skin and hair. Fennel seeds are inexpensive and readily available. Loaded with minerals like iron, copper, selenium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and even vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E, fennel seeds are also known to be a rich storehouse of dietary fibers, active compounds, and antioxidants.

Benefits Of Fennel Seeds For Skin

Fennel seeds offer amazing effects for the skin. Not only fennel seeds are antiseptic by nature, but also are loaded with antioxidants. As a result, they help prevent acne, cell damage, while keeping the skin toned. Using fennel seeds as a part of your skin care will help you delay the onset of lines, dark spots and wrinkles.
When you consume fennel seeds in one form or the other, you get glowing and It helps in improving the overall texture of the skin. It treats acne and makes your skin look youthful. Also, it's loaded with antioxidant properties, it is useful in fighting the signs of aging.

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