Friday, January 26, 2018

Reishi Mushroom Benefits for Skin

(information gathered in part from

Reishi is an herbal mushroom known to have miraculous medicinal properties and health benefits. Legends about this mushroom’s rejuvenating qualities are widespread. Known to enhance agility, suppleness, and strength, this is unarguably a herb that has given people a healthier and longer lifespan.
Known as Ganoderma lucidum and sessile  scientifically, this mushroom species is known across the world under different names like Ling Zhi, Lucid Ganoderma, and Linh Chi. Packed with alkaloids, polysaccharides, Triterpenes, Ganoderic acid and Coumarins, these herbal mushrooms are innately rich with analgesic, antipyretic, antimicrobial, splenic, cytotoxic, and sedative properties, to name a few.

Slows Down Premature Ageing:

The Ling Zhi 8-protein and Ganodermic acid present in Reishi are rich anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic agents. Both these ingredients work in harmony, empowering the immune system and promoting blood circulation. A stronger immune system, in turn, eases free radical activities, which means your wrinkles, fine lines, and inflammations reduces. An improved blood circulation improves the elasticity and tone of your skin, slowing down the ageing process, leaving you with a clear and younger looking skin.

Eases Skin Problems:

Various studies conducted on these mushrooms indicate that they possess the ability to cure various external skin issues, such as wounds, sunburns, rashes, and insect bites. And how does this happen? A harmonized functioning of its anti-histaminic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-allergenic properties – when the combination starts working, your immunity peps up, blood circulation improves, and healing begins.

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